Originally I had thought of writing down something really sickeningly sweet and emotional for my freinds as tonight I have been going through old blogs where freinds commented, old photographs of times when life was plain silly and we were simply stupid and used to try to act cool cheweing gums and all ... :D But somehow I feel words just cant be enough to define what a freind really is so I decided to be more practical and simply list down the names of those who mean to me and I want to keep as my freinds till the day i die...
(Before I start please note that i am NOT jotting down names in order of preference. I'll write names as they keep on popping up to mind - And remember that I love you guys equally and u guys are great cos u mean something to me!)
Ayesha Kamran Khan
Rahat Salman
Nuha Usman
Sana Khurshid
Omer Arshad
Aamir Haroon Manghi
Lubna Shahid
Marina Khan
Amna Khushnud
Nida Aslam
Maryam Hassan Rizvi
Zehra Hassan Rizvi
It's amazing really how large a circle of freinds a person might have but the above listed people are the one's who have really touched my heart at some point of my life and it doesnt really matter if we arent in touch anymore... I love you guys!
Awwwwwwwww. Im deeply touched. Thanx for considering me one of ure special friends. It means a lot to me. And this is for sure Ill be there for u till I die. Keep on rockin n always do what your heart tells u to do. The world is just a stage, we and our close frnds and family are the heroes of it, all the rest are just extras!!.... Aamir ;)