Thursday 30 April 2009

AK's latest perspective!

Sometimes I wonder how an individual meets with complications in life? When God made this world didnt he make things very simple and easy for us? If I look around me and start counting how much I have been given by Allah I can find uncountable things starting from my health to wealth to family to freinds to EVERYTHING and to the point where if i compare the same with what i currently DONT have I see my self as an ungrateful brat and un necessarily ruining my mental state of mind.

Let's see now... In our country a person who eats stuff like Daal or Subzee which is in expensive as compared to stuff like chicken or beef is considered from the lower "Class". The question is that when God created all the eatables for us did he have the same concept in mind? Does it really makes a difference with what we eat? Shouldnt the main idea be to satisfy one's stomach?

Wearing SILK or CHIFFON is BEAUTIFUL whereas wearing plain COTTON is not? What if somebody is HAPPY wearing a certain material which is in expensive? Should this be used as a medium to judge a person's wealth? And what is thing called money? A billionare lives on food and wears cloths to cover himself up and travels through a Car - probably on a Merc - At the same time a person with low income also lives on food, wears cloths to cover himself up and travels through a car (A bus or some other similar medium) ... The question is what is the difference here? Arent both the people serving the same purpose?

For once if a person STOPS pondering over what to drive, eat or wear and keeps one thing in mind that we all have to eventually leave this world wouldnt it resolve a lot many problems and give us inner satisfaction? Shouldnt we rather concentrate on being better human beings? If I have a billion RS in my account and drive a Ferrari what good it be for me uif I die instantly and realise that I have never been kind to people around me and spent most of my life being mean to people who actually loved me or pushing down a good coleague to get a promotion at work?

Even as I write this I dont know if I really know what the true meaning of life is... But I am soon to discover as I think I have found a new passage which I know leads me to ExACTLY where I want to be someday ...

Tuesday 28 April 2009

28th April 2009 - Tuesday (8:53 PM)

One of those times when I really feel like writing but dont have anything specefic in mind to share my views on...

I just feel like listening to loads of music, messing up my self with paint while working on a canvas, eating tons of dark minty chocolate, humming to my self and feeling outrageously free from everything...

Sunday 26 April 2009


Making good and sensible decisions in life is always very difficult. Like today for example... I hate my self for being COAXED into making a decision which makes me feel like a pushover BUT i am VERY NOT happy... however, I would like to state that I am relieved and not exactly relaxed but ... OKHAY...let's just say im alright with what has happened.

Once again I would say... I LOVE YOU GOD for ALWAYS making things work out for me. YOU ARE THE BEST! *hugs*

Friday 17 April 2009

A Thought On Racism...

The most general idea people get when one talk's or hear's about Racism is White's and Black's against each other but have we forgotten the actual reason behind Racism??

Before I start on what made me think about Racism let's check out this definition I found on Wikepedia about Racism:

"Racism, by its simplest definition is the belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.[1] People with racist beliefs exhibit stereotype-based prejudices towards individuals and groups of people according to their race. In the case of institutional racism, certain racial groups may be denied rights or benefits, or get preferential treatment. Racial discrimination typically points out taxonomic differences between different groups of people, even though anybody can be racialised, independently of their somatic differences. According to the United Nations conventions, there is no distinction between the term racial discrimination and ethnic discrimination. Racism is the belief that a particular race is superior or inferior to another,that a person's social and moral traits are predetermined by his or her inborn biological characteristics"

Pakistan is supposed to be a country whereby everyone is and was (at the time of creation) expected to give equal rights to every individual living here...

Im not gonna write much except the fact that how do we explain the differences people have developed in their minds about people who are Punjabi's, Balouchi's, Sindhi's, Pathan's, Urdu Speaking, Bohree, Gujrati etc etc... Why are people from all these backgrounds constantly bitching about people from other communities? Where DID this entire concept of communities developed from? I cant seem to remember any verse in the Holy Quran differentiating people through such traits based on langvage and culture! Why is it considered to be such a problem to mingle or add a member from the "Other" community in a family relation? Are we really setting an example as an independant nation here? Are we setting an example of equality, peace and brotherhood? How do we explain the Shia / Sunni feuds? What are we getting out of all this exactly?

The sad thing is that this kind of an attitude I got to see from people coming from educated backgrounds and people who are generally good at heart but due to the so called burden from society and their family backgrounds / pressure from parents are always hesitant to say anything against it.

All I feel like saying is... GROW UP PEOPLE!!!

Tuesday 14 April 2009


Current state of mind...

"Im Happy... No sad...No nostalgic...No Hurt...No confused..."

Tonight I have lost something that was very dear and close to heart... with whome I had several sweet memories that gave me reasons to smile just like that... Seriously... All I feel inside is just empty.

But im Happy too...

Monday 13 April 2009

Annie's Weekend Updates - The Cow, Dad's Birthday & My Grumpy State of Mind :@

So my weekend started with a crazy cow running on the main road...

There I was dressed in my fave pair of hipsters with a T Shirt and on my way to work on a Saturday (Which happen's to be a half day so "Yippe!"). It was somewhere around 10:15 in the morning and I was engrossed in observing people around me while listening to Ricky Martin and having breakfast in car as usual while my driver fought his was through the traffic to make sure I reached work on time. Khair, we were nearing the signal at Sheraton and that is where I noticed a Huge thing creating havoc in the traffic. What I saw was a poor sweet looking and terribly confused brown coloured cow running on the centre of the road all alone without knowing where it was supposed to go... Okhaay!! I'll admit that the moment I saw the cow running I felt like laughing my Ass off but being an animal lover by nature I instantly noticed that the poor animal was totally confused and lost. It was so scared of all the traffic around that it kept on running and ultimately disapeared somewhere behind PC. The saddest part was that no one was able to control the poor animal and God knows what became of it... (It's weird really but it's been two days and im still thinking about the cow... :S)

Anyways... Sunday was Dad's birthday so me, bro and mom decided to surprise dad by decorating the drawing room with balloons and birthday caps and candles and all the stuff a "2" year old would enjoy on his birthday for dear dad :D which actually turned out to be fun (This "Surprise" was given on Saturday night). We were later thanked by being taken out for dinner on Sunday for Chinese ;).

Today being a Monday was no better then the previous working Monday's of my life :@ . I feel so grumpy at work these days... I have started idealizing Homer Simpson... seriously...

Saturday 4 April 2009

Assumption + Gossip = Total Disaster

I have been a victim to the subjected formula like a zillion time's throughout my life though a very recent event has encouraged me to write something about exactly how I feel about this very well used equation...

Opening Act - Scene1:
One fine day (A friday when we have two hour's lunch break) a colleague who also happens to be more like a freind come's to Annie and say's: "An old college freind of mine who work's for organization ABC very near to our building met me today in the morning by chance. Since it has been soo long since I have spoken to him I have invited him over to acompany us for lunch today if you dont mind..."

Annie: "Hey sure. No prob at all. Sounds ok to me. Chulo we are just left with an hour before lunch break,let's wind up our work for the first half till then."

Coleague + Friend: "Hey Annie, my freind is here why dont you and colleague + Freind Number 2 go down to the cafeteria and I'll go fetch him?"

Annie: "Sure.. cya downstairs" (Annie resume's working for a while and nudges colleague + freind Number 2 to wind up as well)


Scene 2 - Cafteria [Enter's College Freind with Colleague + Freind and introductions are made)

College Freind happens to be an MBA from a well reputed University where Colleague + Freind & Colleague + Freind number 2 have studied as well and they start recalling old teachers and some students who are working with different organizations now and turn out to be freinds and Jaan nay Wala's of Annie's aswell so the group of four people are happily chatting about everything and anything in the comfortable envoirnment of the cafeteria ignoring people looking curiously at College Freind who has never been seen on the premises before.


Scene 3 - Department where Annie with colleagues + Freinds work.

Enter's a STOCKY guy from some other department and call's out the SENIOR Dude's name in Annie's department...

Stocky Guy: "Yo Senior Dude... have amazing news... got a minute??"

Senior Dude: (Ever the opportunist says..) "OFCOURSE be with u in a minute chul thora sa suta lugatay hain bahir... thoree se privacy tu ho!!!"

(After exactly ten minutes...)

Senior Dude walks by Colleague + Freind who is working on her MIS peice and asks as if he is her bestest of freind in the whole world with that annoying GOSSIP gleam in his eyes...

"OoOoh I know what people have been upto... who was Annie's freind down at the cafeteria today... anyone special??"

Colleague + Freind is confused and stares blankly at the Senior Dude and says: "Uhhaan What?"

Senior Dude: "Ah forget it I know what she has been upto!!!"


Final Scene (Which will happen ANY DAY from now...)

Senior Dude: "So u have been socializing a lot lately eh?"

Annie... Without a second's hesitation take's off her shoe and aim's directly at the freaks face and then humming "Sweet and Wild" turns her focus back to work :)

People generally like thinking and talking a LOT... upon not recieving any information from people like myself who do not beleive in discussing personal matters with every tom, dick and harry people assume stuff and normally assume the worst as they just cannot breath without a juicy story at hand!

In all honesty... this is actually kinda amusing. Do people actually have that much time and space at hand?