Quite an interesting topic for my blog isn’t it? Relax I am not going to post anything X rated here. I have had an extremely long and tiring day at work today. The temperature in Karachi city is running really hot these days so air conditioners are being used in full swing in my office these days. I am placed at the head office and we have a big floor where most departments except a few are segregated with workstations only. It’s fun to sit like this though as you can easily take a break and have a good chat with a colleague from another department without attracting attention. Anyway the floor being all open the ACs were turned on to the highest level which actually started giving me muscular pains (Ever since I joined this organization a year back I have been going through this problem and the result is that there is no AC / room cooler in my room anymore).
Anyways, suffering from the muscular pain, deadly tired due to excessive work and hungry as well I was completely drained out and waiting for my brother to come and pick me from work who took his good time in reaching my office as he first had to shower, then get in touch with his fiancé via SMS, select the “right” CD to listen in the car while driving towards me etc. Fortunately he only showed up 20 minutes late which wasn’t too bad so I skipped the steps happily down the building at exactly 9:30 PM then sat through the torture of listening to my brothers discovery of new health clubs where he never goes but likes to brag about anyway! He wouldn’t even let me listen to the radio and If I would sit quietly even for 20 seconds he would start looking at me say, “Hain? Hain? Bolo! Bolo na! What do u think???” and then I had to take the pains in moving my head in a nod. When we finally reached home the first thing I did was hug my dad as usual then kissed my mom on the forehead and headed towards my room to take a nice long shower, came out, quietly had my dinner as I just couldn’t bring my self to start a conversation with anyone cos I was just too tired. And as I now sit relaxed wearing my fave black tank top with my blue pair of Pajama’s I cant help feeling how a tired man after a horribly busy day at work would feel after reaching home. I can totally understand a man’s need to be want to be left alone for some peace and quiet. How they must hate to have their wives yelling at them to sit and talk and hear them about what wonderful cloths and jewelery they saw at Tariq Road or what her neighbor friend purchased for her living room. Trust me, all that would make a man happy would be to be greeted with a smiling face, a nice warm meal, comfortable cloths ready after he takes a shower followed by a nice cup of hot tea and a slight head massage from his wife while he enjoys his tea. My self being a die hard feminist, under normal circumstances I would have voiced in favor of women about how they spend the whole day looking after their home and children and not being properly able to speak to their husbands all day. I would have taken a woman’s side on her sentiments for wanting to yabber all her day’s episode to her husband cos basically she DID miss her husband all day and deserves his attention. But if she makes her husband happy by soothing his nerves wouldn’t he WANT to come back to his wife and spend time in her company every night? Besides Sunday’s and Saturday evenings are good enough for some good family and friend’s outings right?
In case you guys are still wondering what the topic of this blog has got to do with this entry is… well me being a FEMALE actually understanding the GUY perspective… you understand what Im saying?
A lazily smiling AK
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