Sunday 7 June 2009

This coming sometime after midnight...

The woman who would somewhere be around 27 walks up the bar and sit's quitely at the corner table. Not an extraordinay looking woman yet there is something about her which makes several eyes turn towards her direction which she cooly pretends not to notice. Observing the people around her she is deeply engrossed in relating every person in the bar with people she has come across in life. Trying to block out what's happened in the past she tries concentrating on the black woman performing on stage singing some dark lonely song in a langvage which is alien to her but somehow the dark music kinda soothes her down and she relaxes herself against the couch thinking about her parents... the moments spent with her girlfreinds back in school and college...the time when she started working... falling in love for the first time... the first kiss... the betrayal... the people who had loved her at the time she was broken yet she just could never reciprocate in the same fashion... the regret of eventually loosing those people... picking up her pieces again... mistaking the enemy for a friend... making a tough decision in life... and now succesfull yet alone in this mob full of people stabbing each other behind their backs with a fake smile plastered on their faces.

She smiles to herself when she notices a woman talking to her husband on the phone while sitting on a lap of some over weight, fat, ugly bastard placing a magnificent diamond ring on her finger. Disgusted by the scene like always is the woman closes her eyes and thinks about her accomplishments... on the outside everything seem's so perfect. There is no need for romance however, she is desperate for good company. Talking to a perfect stranger would be so nice... Yes, she decides... that's exactly what she needs... to communicate with a total stranger for hours and then without any promises of future meetings she could easily walk away. Thinking about this need she wonders is those might also feel who want a body to hold just for the sake of feeling wanted? Isnt her situation similar to such people? The only difference being that in her case all she wants is a person to talk to and then to leave without getting involved and light headed... is this how that woman in the bar might also feel? To have a physical relationship with a stranger and then leave feeling sexually satisfied and walk back to her boring husband who does not even know that she exists?

The young woman sighs and walks away from the bar outside where it is raining heavily... She closes her eyes and faces up towards the sky trying to enjoy the cold splashes of water upon her tired closed eyes... All she wonders is where life will take her next... Do we even know or care about what is right or wrong anymore? Do we even have a right to judge other people through their antics in personal life? Nobody know's for sure when this journey is going to end... Can someone really get so close to someone to come up and claim that they know EVERYTHING about the other?

The woman tired of rumaging her mind heads back to her apartment and pack... She plans to head back home and talk to dear dad... she does not need a stranger... Yes, she'll talk to dad and enjoy mom's fussings and take a walk with her brother and switch off her cell phone off... Only she wonder's if it isnt too late to head back to the old haunts....

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