Monday, 9 February 2009

The Beautiful Sandstorm

To some this might seem a bit weird that for my first Blog post I have a Sandstorm on my mind but honestly today I saw what was the most beautiful and fascinating scene right there on the centre of Shahra-e-Faisal - Karachi.

I was on my way back to work listening to some good Indian music while my driver fought his way through the extreme heavy traffic. Though I had all the windows up and closed I noticed some activity in the wind. It was dark and the main road seemed to be heavily loaded with car lights and there were dry, dead leaves all flying around and making small circles. There was a lot of sand mixed in the wind (Which would ofcourse give any normal person an allergy) but to me it was a site to see... I was so totally captivated with the scene and suddenly got this urge to get out of the car and start dancing in the middle of the road, stopping every car and messing up my hair in the sand & watching the dead leaves move around me like a magic spell.

I guess im going through a certain state of mind that forces me to do something off the line... I suppose my recent short hairdo with red streaks just aint wild enough for me no more. Watch out world !!!

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