Came across this really creative thing at Face Book today through a freind's profile whereby an individual is supposed to Jot down 25 true facts about him / herself in a message and forward to all other freinds who are in return supposed to reply back to the message posting 25 facts about them selves. What an awesome way of getting to know some one though a lil time consuming.
I did not try this out at Face Book but it's only fair that I format something similar here at dear bloggy and no one is supposed to reply back with 25 points of there own so here goes nothing...
1, The only three people I can trust with my eyes closed is my family (parents & bro)
2, I LOVE chocolate
3, I am more sentimental towards homeless puppies as compared to beggers
4, I want to be an independant & strong woman till the day I die
5, I want to be the world's most perfect daughter
6, I have a huge collection of romance novels but when I hear a guy say such stuff to me I find that fake and made up
7, I never open up to people
8, I always ponder over the negative aspect of the situation first
9, I enjoy watching High School movies
10, My idea of relaxation is spending time alone wearing PJs, reading a good book or watching a nice soft movie with chips & soft drinks and then eventually falling asleep on the floor or sofa
11, At times i get this urge to be a simple house wife whose life revolves around her husband, parents and children
12, When demotivated I like to let go off everything and go somewhere far off to sit alone and work on an oil painting
13, I find it difficult to fall out of love
14, I can forgive but never forget
15, I beleive a female should not be dependant on make up to feel beautiful
16, Sincerity is hard to find
17, "I Love You" should only be said when genuinely meant from the heart
18, There is no colour in the world i dislike
19, I change the way i look after every three months
20, In a guy I go for the way he talks and smiles
21, Cant stand snobs
22, Strong supporter of Women's Lib
23, Plan to have 2 kids when married
24, I am now more practical then emotional
25, I have 100% confidence that wherever I go and whatever I do, Allah (SAW) is always helping me out and I'll always get a happy ending :)
I agree with number one. Trust in others is very hard to come by!