Like always I have a bundle of activities at hand and absolutely NO time to finish off any. Since I am on my annual leave from work these days so assuming I had plenty of time at hand I started work on my old pending paintings, new sketches, bought a few Sidney Sheldon, Judith Mcnaught and Danielle Steel books, 8 Hollywood movie DVDs and completing my photo albums for the family. As usual my main aim which was to learn guitar and driving got lost somewhere between this list of additional things (Now I know a certain somebody who would go through this blog would say "I told you so or I knew so" but i'll feign ignorance :P)
Anyways, my days at home are going pretty good. Just last to last night I took a long walk with dad - just me and him and we were discussing our fave books and authors (Also the guys I used to have a crush on back when I had started working) when suddenly I told abba what has been running through my mind for the past one month which was about starting to write my very own novel to which he immediately offered support (Yep, he's gonna be the best man in my wedding - Love you daddy *huggies*) As usual after earning his approval and knowing that im still daddy's princess I am sleeping over the idea about writing that novel :P
Another source of excitement are the 15 new suits I got from my tailor today. Man this is so bloody exciting. I even purchased matching nail colours with every single dress (Now i know i really aint that girly but what the heck I have so much spare time up my you-know-what)I plan to make a "MEAN GIRL" The movie kinda entrance back to work after my leave (Nah nah no hottie there im trying to impress - It's just to motivate my self to start work with a fresh, happy and willing mind)
The best thing is that when I get back to work everything WOULD seem special as Ramadaan would have started. The holy month where you are expected to pay attentiion to other things less as compared to All Mighty Lord :) I have already started making a list of what I want and a list of things I have to thank HIM for :)
AK giddy with excitment! :D
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