I have been having some interesting and pretty deep conversations with people I think have been born with a brain of finer quality then the one gifted to me. Over the past couple of weeks I was wrapped in the feeling of being rejected and hated for reasons I don’t find fit to be published here. I have come to some conclusions and facts about human psychology and the way they expect and deserve to be treated…
Daddy dearest and I were having a stroll a couple of days back enjoying the breeze of a typical Karachi evening while I shared my thoughts with him. Like always he put his arm around my shoulder and gave that wonderful speech of how proud he is of the little accomplishments I have made in life but then noticing that I was actually very serious he simply explained the law of attraction saying, “It is human nature to run after those who are not attracted to them and to draw themselves away from those who are dying for their company”. Seeing the look on my face he further said, “The best life partner for you is somebody who loves you rather then somebody who you love. Don’t you think you would be able to love somebody later on when you see the way he showers you with affection?” I honestly had no answers and stared moodily ahead pondering over what he was trying to tell me. As I write this a very old saying comes to mind which is “A friend in need is a friend indeed”. Now if I think about it exactly how many supposed “friends” have been there at the time of my need? “Need” here does not specifically mean money but what I am emphasizing on is just a shoulder to cry on or a ear to listen whenever my heart feels remorseful.
We as human beings have been gifted with a brain which is meant to be used but unfortunately the world and the lifestyle we live is just so commercial that we never really sit for a while and think over stuff and the kind of relationships we are running since we are so busy thinking what car to purchase, how lavish should we throw our next birthday party, what new dress to be worn at ABC’s function etc.
If I think about the times when I have seriously needed a shoulder to cry on I can’t really jot down a list of “friends” who stood up immediately. In fact nobody ever has the time to listen to “bull shit” as most practical people like to call it. If I follow this strategy of selecting friends then I really don’t think I have more than 4 or 5 friends who genuinely are my friends. Thinking over this piece I still feel I am Alhamdulillah better off than most as in this fast world I really don’t think people have what you can really call a “friend”. Merely passing a statement that somebody is a “friend” does not make him or her a friend.
Similarly if in a relationship is it fair for just one party to be chasing after the other? I have seen couples whereby after a certain time period the guy or the girl looses interest in their partner and is usually indifferent towards everything the other does or say. Are such relationships even worthy of making an effort for? On this I was told that it’s wise to let your other half walk away if he or she is simply not interested in you anymore (After making reasonable effort to regain that love of course) because trying to stay glued to someone who is simply not interested is a waste. Similarly making one self miserable after those who do not love you is also a mere waste of time and energy. Instead we should learn to be happy with what we have.
As for the happiness we are so badly looking for… well I am sure somebody up there is keeping a track of our desires and if we pray with an open honest heart I am sure HE will make sure that we eventually get what we want.
Oh and yeah... the idea is to keep on counting your blessings and to stay happy as hell! ;)