I have been a victim to the subjected formula like a zillion time's throughout my life though a very recent event has encouraged me to write something about exactly how I feel about this very well used equation...
Opening Act - Scene1:
One fine day (A friday when we have two hour's lunch break) a colleague who also happens to be more like a freind come's to Annie and say's: "An old college freind of mine who work's for organization ABC very near to our building met me today in the morning by chance. Since it has been soo long since I have spoken to him I have invited him over to acompany us for lunch today if you dont mind..."
Annie: "Hey sure. No prob at all. Sounds ok to me. Chulo we are just left with an hour before lunch break,let's wind up our work for the first half till then."
Coleague + Friend: "Hey Annie, my freind is here why dont you and colleague + Freind Number 2 go down to the cafeteria and I'll go fetch him?"
Annie: "Sure.. cya downstairs" (Annie resume's working for a while and nudges colleague + freind Number 2 to wind up as well)
Scene 2 - Cafteria [Enter's College Freind with Colleague + Freind and introductions are made)
College Freind happens to be an MBA from a well reputed University where Colleague + Freind & Colleague + Freind number 2 have studied as well and they start recalling old teachers and some students who are working with different organizations now and turn out to be freinds and Jaan nay Wala's of Annie's aswell so the group of four people are happily chatting about everything and anything in the comfortable envoirnment of the cafeteria ignoring people looking curiously at College Freind who has never been seen on the premises before.
Scene 3 - Department where Annie with colleagues + Freinds work.
Enter's a STOCKY guy from some other department and call's out the SENIOR Dude's name in Annie's department...
Stocky Guy: "Yo Senior Dude... have amazing news... got a minute??"
Senior Dude: (Ever the opportunist says..) "OFCOURSE be with u in a minute chul thora sa suta lugatay hain bahir... thoree se privacy tu ho!!!"
(After exactly ten minutes...)
Senior Dude walks by Colleague + Freind who is working on her MIS peice and asks as if he is her bestest of freind in the whole world with that annoying GOSSIP gleam in his eyes...
"OoOoh I know what people have been upto... who was Annie's freind down at the cafeteria today... anyone special??"
Colleague + Freind is confused and stares blankly at the Senior Dude and says: "Uhhaan What?"
Senior Dude: "Ah forget it I know what she has been upto!!!"
Final Scene (Which will happen ANY DAY from now...)
Senior Dude: "So u have been socializing a lot lately eh?"
Annie... Without a second's hesitation take's off her shoe and aim's directly at the freaks face and then humming "Sweet and Wild" turns her focus back to work :)
People generally like thinking and talking a LOT... upon not recieving any information from people like myself who do not beleive in discussing personal matters with every tom, dick and harry people assume stuff and normally assume the worst as they just cannot breath without a juicy story at hand!
In all honesty... this is actually kinda amusing. Do people actually have that much time and space at hand?
This one is SOOO true!!!!! I agree with you on this one 100%
ReplyDeleteWay to go Annie...though if u had used SOME names it would've been more fun ;)