Wednesday, 18 March 2009

18th March - 11:20 PM

I was just going through my previous posts in this blog and my attempted poetry published on the night of 14th February caught my eye which made me wonder about people involved or WANTING to be involved in romantic relationships...

Let's c now... a BASE of a good, healthy and strong relationship is TRUST and SINCERITY right? What if that get's a bit shaken? Is it really easy to win that trust again or for that matter to START trusting the one at fault again? Can a relationship where possesiveness, suspicion and jealousy exist really last long enough? Honestly, I have seen men and women who are constantly on the toes of their better half as they just cant be too sure whether they are truly comitted to them or not. In my opinion such relations just shouldnt exist. Practically speaking, if something which gives an impression of freedom dying is detected even BEFORE something has been started should not even be given a second thought about further possibilites.

Sometime's I wonder why cant things be so much more simpler? Why do people cheat? And even if they DO then why cant they just walk up to their current partner and tell him or her staright off that things just aint gonna work anymore? Wouldnt it be so much better that way? The innocent get's to decide what to do with life and the DEVIL gets to save him or herself embarassment of being caught! In my opinion TALKING really helps which every one would AGREE on doing but would never actually DO! Why do people wait for something to happen? What about possesiveness and assumptions you ask? My friends, I dont even wanna START on that piece... Am going to end this by saying that good communication, positive thinking and honesty always help streghten ANY kind of a relationship.


Your own LUV GURU in the making ;)

1 comment:

  1. i would definately agree to half of it. Trust should be there and not just there to say, it should be there to a limit where if one of the partners say its sunny outside at 1am, the other should believe.
    Question is, how such trust can be gained? Simply saying "i trust you" doesn't mean i really do. One should be given a level of confidence AND a clear picture of everything before expecting them to trust.
    A little bit of possessiveness and jealousy is healthy in a relationship as that makes the other feels "still wanted" but too much of it is definately a big no. Where can such a relationship be found? Again inter-connected with the first, give confidence to one of being the only one.

    To conclude, i'll only say that what you've stated is 100% true at a place where there are doubts about being the only one, and if someone is suffering from same even after knowing that he/she is the only one then yes, such a relationship should end cuz that'll be a burden and misery for both parties.

