Yep! I dont really believe in when people say "Oh it's a small small world!" Trust me this statement is BULL!!! In AK's world the truly accurate statement would be "Oh it's a HUGE and quite CRAZY world!!" You see, this globe we have proudly named The Earth is filled with morons and whacky people.
I thought good education was supposed to broaden an individual's perspective towards life and people around him / her. Trust me all the education in the world can NEVER change what goes into this COCONUT we have for a head!
At work I am open and freindly with people within my department only. Dont get me wrong, I am not some anti social person but I prefer keeping an arm's length distance with people I dont really have to interact with - AGAIn, i am not trying to give an impression that I am very choosy, it's just that I take time in reaching a certain comfort level with people. So anyways, as I was saying I am totally not in very open and warm freindly terms with people outside the area of Compliance (<-- that's what my pesky dpt is called!) Having said that, I dress to please my self and my sense of dressing is not usually what is "IN" during the current days. I rather prefer dressing up in something which I find looks trendy and smart on me. If I am not up for dressing up then I simply wear whatever I feel comfortable in. Now coming over to point number three, I have been raised by parents who believe a female should have as equal rights as man and so going through childhood and then my teens to reaching where I stand at 23 today I have never really had to face an incident whereby I feel I am inferior to a man. I love my friends and never hesitate to show my affection towards them or my family. I have a lot of guy freinds who I would define as pure "buddies" and the reason why we are freinds is that we all share common interests. When some guy passing by finds me cute (yep I am pretty too for some people! :P) and smiles at me I dont feel a faint blush creeping up my face and accept the appreciation with a slight nod (And that too if the guy is cute else I pretend he's not even there! Okhay so I am being bitchy but being in the current mood and this being MY blog I have every right to be one)I am not some mighty female character out of that "MEAN GIRLS" movie who you would love to hate and secretly think "DAMN she's HOT" and yes I have come across times where I have been put to my place with a classic insult from some very rare intelligent individual when I am being VERY bitchy and annoying. I come across my time of pride too when I put someone on his or her place by throwing some really juicy sarcastic remark if that person annoys me!
Now just go through what I have written above and tell me honestly keeping in view my flaws and good points (if any) do I really give an impression of a female who would be very "EASY" to approach <- just for your information, somebody commented about my being all this just because last week at work a colleague dropped by who also happens to be a freind and unfortunately a GUY, shook hands with me as a gesture to say "hello" and that was that!
I usually pass by the office kitchen to request one of the peons to make me a warm cup of coffee as I cannot tolerate the extremely high airconditions being run on the premises and I see a fellow colleague standing at the corner for a smoke so as I pass by him I say "Hi" and chat for less than a minute and SOMEBODY commented that drugs and hard drinks are not a problem for THIS girl (What the %$%#%$#&^%$@%$???)
I am sitting with a group of people where a topic of AIDS and other sexual related diseases comes up and I share whatever limited knowledge I have on the topic and I get to hear -> "I am telling you boss, the girls got experience" (!!!)
The MOST saddest part in this story is that I get to hear this from a resource which is famous on the floors for being majorly dramatic and a queen of gossip. Also specializes in putting two and two together and usually coming up to five!
In all honesty whether what I have been told is true or not all that come's to mind is that what did all these people achieve in earning themselves degrees in Business Administration, Charetered Accountacy or Economics?
- Ak leaves this blog for the readers (If any *errr*) with a BIG, SAD and DRAMATIC *sigh*